
National Preparedness Month
September is National Preparedness Month, and the timing is pertinent, to say the least. With so many recent natural disasters, some even occurring simultaneously, there is no better time to think about how we can be prepared in case of...
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Be Careful Out There!
What’s happened in the state of Texas and now some adjoining states is just simply devastating and far from over. All of America’s hearts ache for everyone in those areas affected by Harvey. No doubt it will be years of...
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It’s Anal August!
Did you know there’s an entire month dedicated to honoring anal sex? It’s true – join us in celebrating Anal August 2017! It’s not clear when Anal Sex Month started, or who is responsible for creating it. Some say it...
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Follow up on the 49th ASSECT Conference
The Pacik Dilator Display Last month we attended the 49th annual ASSECT conference in Henderson, Nevada, just outside of Las Vegas, and wanted to share the great experience we had. ASSECT is the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists...
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We’re Attending the AASECT Conference!
For the first time, Crystal Delights is attending the AASECT (American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists) Conference at the Green Valley Ranch Resort, Spa, and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The conference will be held June 15th-18th, and draws...
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