
Rest In Pieces – the Sequel!!!
Over 10 years ago, we held what to our surprise was a very popular and unusual contest, we called “Rest in Pieces.” We asked anyone interested to destroy their jelly toys, take pictures of the destroyed toy and to send us the picture. We had so much fun with this project that we decided it was worthy of a sequel.
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2021 Trans Pride Plugs and Fundraiser Kick-Off!
Here at Crystal Delights, we’re always excited when Pride month rolls around. Since 2008, we’ve been grateful to serve the sex positive communities - and the LGBTQIAA+ communities in particular - with innovative, beautiful, body safe and pleasure-affirming toys.
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Not Groundhog Day…
.. but the new normal! Ok… so maybe it’s not April Fool’s Day but it is starting to feel a lot like Groundhog Day as seen through the eyes of Bill Murray’s character in the classic movie from 1993. For...
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Not April Fool’s Day!
First, we want to send best wishes to all of our customers and fans all over the world, hoping that you and yours are safe and well! Please listen to the experts (can be so hard to tell anymore who...
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