Let’s Get NAKED!

Making butt plugs wasn’t something we ever thought we would be doing, especially in the second phase of our lives, but, well… here we are.
How we got here is another story and perhaps some of our long-term customers and fans know the story already, but once we decided to manufacture the best glass butt plugs possible, our passion and creativity took over. In collaboration with you, our customers and fans, the Crystal Delights product line has grown over the years and we still continue to strive to bring new products and new ideas to the adult pleasure product shopper.
One of the things we’ve talked about for years was to try and make a simple version of all our products at a lower price point, for both the budget minded and/or the person looking for a basic plug or product without all the fancy accessories. Of course we will continue to look for creative ways to adorn our products, and yes, we have some new styles of products planned for unveiling over the next few months. To start, we decided to simply get NAKED!
Welcome the NAKED series! First to be introduced will be all six sizes of the Crystal Delights butt plug in perfectly clear, handmade beautiful glass exactly like all our butt plugs, but with a simple flat bottom base and absolutely no decorations or accoutrements of any kind. Just our carefully crafted plug in all its naked opulence.
In addition to creating all our products in their naked grandeur, we are also looking to provide a reasonably priced, quality American made glass pleasure product, that will last you a lifetime with proper care. The Naked Series butt plugs (small bulb / short stem) will start at $49.95 (storage bag not included).
Sure, we know you can buy a cheaper butt plug, even a cheaper glass butt plug, but we challenge you to find something inexpensive made with the care and attention to detail that every Crystal Delights product is given.
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