
First Draft Plan for North Pole Sim Build Yes, we owned a Second Life (SL) Sim called the North Pole but months and months before that Shellie’s avatar arrived in Second life first. Her avatar Barb was created May of...
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Crystal Delights didn’t start as a maker of real glass butt plugs and dildos. The first Crystal Delights products were virtual dildos sold using virtual vending machines in the virtual world known as Second Life (SL).SL is an online virtual...
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Making butt plugs wasn’t something we ever thought we would be doing, especially in the second phase of our lives, but, well… here we are. How we got here is another story and perhaps some of our long-term customers and...
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So, it’s been well over a year since we last posted anything on this News Blog. You might wonder why? Lots of reasons, but the primary reason is simply Crystal Delights has had a challenging 2018 and the struggle has...
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Are Americans Proud of America this 4th of July? It appears our country is divided on this question… As many American businesses will do this week, we will celebrate our democracy on our infamous Fourth of July. We celebrate those...
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