It’s Anal August!

Did you know there’s an entire month dedicated to honoring anal sex? It’s true – join us in celebrating Anal August 2017!

It’s not clear when Anal Sex Month started, or who is responsible for creating it. Some say it started as early as 1927, but it seems more likely that it caught on a bit later…Credit may actually go to the San Francisco-based sex toy shop, Good Vibrations, which has been celebrating “Anal August” since the early 2000’s. Whatever its origin, we’re all for it, and we will be celebrating all things anal this month, starting with a sale on two of our prettiest plugs.

Anal Sex Month isn’t just about toys though; it’s also about recognizing anal sex as a healthy sex practice and promoting pleasurable, safe sex. It’s no secret that throughout history anal sex has been considered taboo, and as a result it’s fallen victim to plenty of misconceptions and misinformation. Society has made strides, including the fact that people are much more accepting of anal sex: at least 38% of men between 20 and 39 have tried it and 32% of women 18 to 44, according to the CDC.

But there is still progress to be made and inaccurate information to debunk. Throughout Anal August we will be doing our part to dash the rump-related myths, as well as share information about healthy, safe sex practices. You can check out our Facebook page this month for fun facts, tips, and interesting info all in honor of Anal August!

Post Note: Of course Good Vibrations carries our products!

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