
Rest In Pieces – the Sequel!!!
Over 10 years ago, we held what to our surprise was a very popular and unusual contest, we called “Rest in Pieces.” We asked anyone interested to destroy their jelly toys, take pictures of the destroyed toy and to send us the picture. We had so much fun with this project that we decided it was worthy of a sequel.
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Not Groundhog Day…
.. but the new normal! Ok… so maybe it’s not April Fool’s Day but it is starting to feel a lot like Groundhog Day as seen through the eyes of Bill Murray’s character in the classic movie from 1993. For...
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Pride in America?
Are Americans Proud of America this 4th of July? It appears our country is divided on this question… As many American businesses will do this week, we will celebrate our democracy on our infamous Fourth of July. We celebrate those...
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Celebrate Pride 2018
It’s that time of year again…Pride Month! We want to kick off our celebration of Pride 2018 by talking a bit about the origins of Pride Month. The first Pride March was in 1970, and it was organized to commemorate...
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National Month of Hope
April is National Month of Hope! We will be focusing on the things that give us hope, and we encourage our customers to share what gives them hope as well. Most recently we were inspired by the March for Our...
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