Affiliate Program


Follow this link to sign up for the Crystal Delights Affiliate Program

How it works?

• First you should already have some kind of web or internet presence with a good following (That could be a website, a blog, Facebook, Twitter or some other social media site)
• If you do, you can apply online (see link below to Sign-Up Page) to be a Crystal Delights Affiliate (please understand we do not accept every application)
• If you are approved you will receive access to our web-based affiliate software and you can set up your affiliate program using the tools provided
• Once set up a Visitor clicks on an affiliate link or banner on your site or it could be an email, or some type of social media site
• The visitors IP is logged and a cookie is placed in their browser for tracking purposes
• The visitor browses our site, and may decide to order or not
• If the visitor orders (the order need not be placed during the same browser session--cookies and IPs are stored 180 Days), the order will be registered as a sale for you
• We will review and approve the sale, less any discounts and shipping fees
• You will receive a 25% commission on the net sale
• Once you achieve an earned commission balance of $50 (US) dollars payment will be made
• Payments are made by the end of the following month via PayPal


FAQ about the Crystal Delights Affiliate Program:

1. What do I need to become an affiliate?

  • You should already have some kind of web or internet presence with a good following (That could be a website, a blog, Facebook, Twitter or some other social media site)
  • All you need to do is to send a visitor to our site via a special link (called an 'affiliate link'), and if they buy anything from the Crystal Delights website, you will get 25% of the net sale (less any discounts and shipping fees)
  • Can foreign affiliates apply to our program? Yes of course, all affiliates are welcome in our affiliate program, but please note a PayPal account for commission payments is required for any foreign affiliate applications

2. How do I know I will be paid for my referral sales?

  • First you need to know that Crystal Delights is a well-established and reputable company in the pleasure products industry, and we had a successful affiliate program that we had to take off-line while we built a new website (References are available upon request)
  • Our affiliate program is powered by Post Affiliate Pro, the leading affiliate tracking software Post Affiliate Pro uses a combination of cookies and IP addresses to track referrals for best possible reliability
  • When the visitor follows your affiliate link to our site, our affiliate system registers this referral and places cookie on his or her computer. When the visitor pays for the product, affiliate system checks for cookie (if not found, checks for IP address of referral) and credits your account 25% of the purchase value (less discounts and shipping)
  • This process is absolutely automatic. All your referrals will be properly tracked by PAP. Post Affiliate Pro is used by thousands of Internet merchants and affiliates world-wide

3. How is payment processed?

  • Our default, preferred payment method is PayPal. So you will need a PayPal account to receive your sales commissions. If you are an affiliate located in the USA we will consider payment by check (please contact us if you desire payment by check or need another payment method)
  • There is a minimum requirement of a $50.00 (US$) balance before payments will be made
    Payments are made in US dollars, and are paid once a month, by the end of the following month

4. How do I set up an account?

  • Setting up an account is very easy and it's completely FREE. You don't have to pay to become a Crystal Delights Affiliate
  • We recommend having some kind of web or internet presence with a good following
    That could be a website, a blog, Facebook, Twitter or some other social media site
    (If you don’t already have that we might not approve your application)
  • To sign up go to the Signup Form and fill it out. After a review of your application, you will receive an email indicating your approval or that we declined your application.
  • As our affiliate, you will have your own control panel where you can see detailed statistics of traffic and sales you referred, news and training materials, and choice of banners and text links
    Then you only need to place an affiliate link, banner, text link or other link on your web or or social media site
  • Then you only need to place an affiliate link, banner, text link or other link at your web site, so you can start sending customers to our web site

5. Do you have a training program for affiliates?

  • Well not really, but the basics of affiliate marketing and lots of useful tips are described in your affiliate panel.
    PAP also provides some good tools and support information (see the footer for links)

6. What should I do next?
Just a few simple steps!

  1. Go to the Signup Form (assuming you want to be a Crystal Delights Affiliate)
  2. Fill out the online form (remember to include a completed W-9 Form if you are a USA tax payer)
  3. If you are approved you will receive your password and other info by email
    (We will email you too if we decline your application)
  4. Log into your personal Crystal Delights affiliate panel and choose from various banners, 
    text links, and other promotional materials
  5. Place some of these banners/links onto your website or social media sites
    (hopefully people will follow the banners/links to our website and purchase something)
  6. Receive a 25% commission from every verified, approved sale!


Follow this link to sign up for the Crystal Delights Affiliate Program