Welcome to our new Weblog!

So we’re back!
And where did we go? Well we could tell you the long and sad story of how our website got hacked (not our payment gateway), leaving us no choice but to start another new website all over again (think it’s our third?). We could tell you about the temporary obstacles and headaches it caused, but instead let us tell you about all the new and good things happening here at Crystal Delights.
Yes, our blog is back and will continue to feature information about new products, sex-positive news and other stuff we hope you find interesting. We will resurrect some of our more popular past blogs, such as “the difference between an American made glass product and products coming from other parts of the world. Remember we hand make all of our glass right here in the USA, in our own shop in Port Townsend, WA.
Speaking of Port Townsend… if you are looking for a quirky and beautiful place to visit, well you don’t have to look very hard if you take a closer look at the city we live and work in. It’s self-described as “A Victorian Seaport & Artisan Community.” So if you happen to get adventurous and make the journey to our part of the world please stop and say hello.
You can wander through our retail store and maybe get to see one of our skilled lamp-workers at the torch or just admire Shellie’s huge collection of Vaseline Glass glowing in her black light cabinet. We would like nothing more than to show you around and tell you the best places to check out locally and of course where to get the best fish and chips. This month we are beginning the first of a series of educational workshops at our store. Yes, another reason to come and visit!
Two years have passed since we moved our business from the North East (NH) to the Pacific Northwest (WA), and over five years have passed since starting the real Crystal Delights product line (remember we began as a virtual product in Second Life in 2008). We want to thank all of our customers, old and new, future and past. We want to thank all of our affiliates, peers and vendors, and of course we want to thank the Crystal Delights team for your hard work and commitment.
We know without all of you Crystal Delights would still only be an idea we just talked about doing. We want to thank all of you for giving us the support, feedback and determination to work hard trying to be the best we can be, and to build an American brand of glass pleasure products we are proud to call Crystal Delights.

Shellie & Andrew
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