Not Groundhog Day…

.. but the new normal!

Ok… so maybe it’s not April Fool’s Day but it is starting to feel a lot like Groundhog Day as seen through the eyes of Bill Murray’s character in the classic movie from 1993. For a while now our lives are a bit of an endless loop of doing a lot of the same things every day.

Here at Crystal Delights we’re feeling the same as most of us in America and we imagine a good part of the world right now. WTF happened? But seriously we do need to as a country and a global community work really hard when time permits (as in not now) to try to figure out what happened and what lessons were learned to help prevent this type of worldwide pandemic again?

Like most everyone, we’ve been hunkered down and feel fortunate that our small business can operate out of our home office and shop locations while maintaining physical distancing and less social interaction. Truth is we live in such a remote and unpopulated area it’s extremely easy to not see anyone for days. We like to describe the town we live in as 900 people and 90 Elk (a protected herd), and the Elk talk to each other more than the humans.

Our urge is to spout about our disappointment in what has happened not only here in America but throughout the world, but we’ll leave the politics this time to all those social media outlets available that people choose to vent on. We won’t complain about how the new Small Business Loans aren’t even an option for a business such as ours or any business or person working in the “adult industry.” At least we haven’t had to experience the pain we have heard and seen among our friends and network trying to secure these funds, which ran out today.

Rather, we are going to focus on trying to remain positive, try to keep our personal lives intact and our small business going, while we also try and support efforts to get us safely and securely thru this circus of chaos and calamity.

So, in that effort we plan to keep bringing you new products, while making sure they glitter and gleam, and of course provide glee too. Our newest limited-edition product is the Red-White-Blue Sparkle Plug. $5.00 of every RWB plug purchased on our website will be donated to charities we want to support. We have picked testing and food banks to focus on.

We are believers that we won’t get this world or America back to what we think will be a “new normal” without Testing everyone, without tracing and isolation if needed, and of course a vaccine. It’s going to take time, doing less, socializing less but that doesn’t mean we can’t all do more to help us all get through to the other side of this pandemic.

CORONAVIRUS RESOURCE PAGE LINK: Featuring information resources, charity and volunteering, sexuality during the pandemic and more… we hope you might check it out and do something to help fight the virus too!

Our April Fool’s Day Contest is still running through end of the month!

Not April Fool’s Day Contest Page:

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